Electronic Tape Measure
Product Family: Electric
Product Used: MXB belt drive actuator
Product Type: Standard
Application Requirements
Stroke: 122 in.
Speed: 150 in/sec
Load: 151 lbs
Application Description:
Electronic tape measure and feeder for shutter saw used on equipment for automating production of window dressing products
The manual measurement of window dressing components led to inaccuracies and waste. The system needed to be automated to increase accuracy and reduce waste levels. The customer was also looking to electronically gather positioning information.
Tolomatic Solution:
A MXB belt drive actuator and motor serve as the electronic tape measure as the unit interfaces with the customer’s controller providing positioning information. The MXB was specified to meet speed and accuracy requirements. Additionally, Tolomatic had the ability to supply very long stroke belt drives to meet customer demands.
Customer Benefit:
- 30% increase in machine throughput
- Significantly decreased product inaccuracies, waste and scrap